Going To The Park For The First Time In 9 Months


It’s funny how life can just pass you by? I cannot believe it’s been 9 months since I have been to a park. I think I have a vague memory of when I went to the park for the first time and since then I have always had a sense of peace when I would visit the park.

Image 1. Visit to the Park

Even in Uni, I became intentional about going to the park. My morning routine consisted of waking up early to go on a peaceful walk to the park, watching the sunrise and listening to the birds sing, then heading back home to prepare myself for what tended to be an eventful day ahead. Honestly, It was so refreshing. I remember I would walk around the park aimlessly filled with gratitude for my life and also being quite expectant for my future.

This post is about Going To The Park For The First Time In 9 Months

Image 2. Visit to the Park

Why did I stop?

I think life just got in the way? I was in between places (technically still am) and I just wanted to focus on getting a job and earning money. I think at some point I felt like I didn’t deserve that level of peace? Honestly, I don’t know😔. I just know I stopped going because I always had something to do, even when it was nothing.

Image 3. Visit to the Park

Why did I start again?

Well, I technically haven’t, yet. I went to the park for something else (video attached lol). and then I decided to take in the moment I was in. After being there for quite a while, I realised I truly missed it and I need to be more intentional about going much more often.

This video is about Going To The Park For The First Time In 9 Months

What Next?

Umm nothing much to be honest. I think I am just feeling thankful at this point in my life. I am grateful for the life I was/am able to live, the contentment that I had and how I was able to enjoy life in my own way and on my own terms without feeling the need to be conscious of others. I want to get back into that space and I know what I have to do to be able to do that, so this is an encouragement to myself, to work diligently for the life I know that I would enjoy wholeheartedly.

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Question for You: When was the last time you visited the park?

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